The crash occurred Saturday night around 6:30 p.m. when 42-year-old Patricia Zsigray of Spencer was traveling southbound on 57 heading towards Grafton and went left of center. Heading northbound at that time was 68-year-old James Harsh. Harsh said he saw Zsigray’s car start heading into his lane so he began slowing down.

Eaton Township Firefighters called for mutual aid from Grafton Village after they realized that four people would have to be treated and transported from the scene. Zsigray received the more severe injuries and was transported by Eaton to Elyria Memorial where Metro LifeFlight flew her to MetroHealth Medical Center in Cleveland.
Grafton Village EMS arrived on scene and took over car of Harsh, his 60-year-old wife Gladys and the 9-year-old back seat occupant. All three were taken to Elyria Memorial Hospital to be evaluated with minor injuries.
It is likely that Zsigray will be charged with “Operating a Vehicle Intoxicated” after she is released from the hospital.
To see more photos from the scene: CLICK HERE
Remember if you are driving and see an accident scene ahead, “SLOW DOWN AND MOVE OVER”. Allow Police, Fire, EMS and Tow Services to do their jobs without becoming a victim.
When is this going to stop? Why do we continue to have drunks causing so many accidents and dangering innocent people. I urge anybody driving if you suspect or observe someone is driving and showing signs of being intoxicated call authorities from your cell phone this has to stop!!!!
our elected officials going to wake up and smell the coffee.all too often they are all too easy on those that have been involved in DWI offenses.when are they going to finally say "enough is enough'?when it involves a personal family member?if all states were to crack down and throw the books at these people and not allow their candy butt coated lawyers get them off on minor offenses maybe then these kind of morons will think twice before revving up that engine and driving their 2000lb machine of death
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