If you have been looking for a feel good story this holiday season your search is over. Local Police Officers working with Operation Open Heart spent the day delivering turkeys and pies to area families with foster children.
More than a dozen Officers delivered over 100 turkeys, pumpkin pies and all the fixin’s to families all over Lorain County. Richard Pozywak Sr., a retired Lorain County Deputy Sheriff said this is a tradition that dates back 45 years. “I have been working with Operation Open Heart delivering turkeys for 25 years myself. This is what the program is all about, giving back to the community and doing whatever we can to help the youth in our community.”
Pozywak’s son, Richard Pozywak Jr. works part time as a Police Officer at Put In Bay and full time with LifeCare Ambulance, said he grew up watching his father participating in this program and always knew that he too would be involved. “Whatever I can do to help I will. I have been fortunate enough to be able to work in the profession that I have always wanted to and my bosses at LifeCare have been very supportive of not only Operation Open Heart but also allowing me to take time off to participate whenever needed.”
Ohio State Highway Patrol Trooper David Harper formed Operation Open Heart in 1962. Harper, being an orphan himself, wanted to show these children, who were placed in the court system, that Policemen were their friends, and not someone to fear. So with a few of his friends, Harper took about 15 kids on an all-day picnic.
As the years went by, there were more kids then adults. So, Harper began receiving support from the community. Now, on the 45th anniversary, the campout is a weeklong event with 40 kids. The kids have been treated to Air Plane rides, Boat rides, Putt-Putt, bowling and more. They are also treated to a fireworks show on the final night.
Operation Open Heart continues giving and interacting with the kids throughout the year, aside from delivering the turkey dinners they take 125 kids to Geauga Lake Amusement Park for a day and pass out presents for Christmas.
One up for Operation Open Heart! Always doing good for the community behind the scenes! Thanks for the story.
What an awesome organization to be doing what they are for the kids of Lorain County.
I hope that the community continues to be supportive in whatever way is needed and that this organization continues to thrive and touch the hearts of the kids who need it.
Thanks for sharing the "behind the scenes" on this organization. Patsy
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