Elyria Fire Department responded to 1864 Middle Ave after receiving a report of a gas leak at the apartment complex. Elyria Fire Department Assistant Fire Chief Ron Brlas said a contractor was digging along the west side of “L” building when the backhoe they were using pierced a plastic gas supply line. “When we arrived, we found a 2 inch pipe was severed and natural gas was escaping. We isolated the immediate area surrounding the leak. Engine 1 and Ladder 7 crews removed the occupants from the apartments in L building.”
Columbia Gas sent crews out to shut off the valve to the supply line but was unable to find it so they sent a heavy equipment crew to the scene. That crew was able to crimp he supply line and shut off the flow of gas.
Fire Officials remained on scene and monitored the atmosphere inside the building to make sure no gas was leaking into structure. Once the flow of gas was stopped the residents were allowed back into their apartments.
Workers tell TMC NEWS that they were there to waterproof the basement walls after the building sustained flooding damage last June. Residents are quick to point out that 9 months have passed since the flooding. “This is the way it goes around here, something gets damaged or we get flooded out it takes forever for the management to do repairs.” Another resident said that flooding is common and some apartments were not properly cleaned have black mold. “When my apartment was flooded they put us in another apartment that wasn’t even ready for people to live in. You have security guards who harass you at the front gate making you show your identification and then asking you other personal questions just to act like big shots. There is no reason these people need to see our social security numbers and other personal information. This place needs to be shut down.” The residents we spoke to spoke on condition of anonymity saying that they fear retaliation from security and property management.
We asked the security guards at the front gate if we could speak to a property manager, so they could respond to residents complaints, they just told us that media was not allowed on the property and that we had to leave.
Go figure Security trying to be like cops. No doubt there is alot of wrong things going on there (Southpark) but it isnt all the property managers fault alot of it has to do with the guards they think they are BIGSHOTS. Most of the people in that complex are good people trying to make a living and grant it there are the bad apples but what makes everybody mad is the invasion of privacy to the residents by the security guards. They think because they have patches on their arms makes them authority figures they better wake up and smell the roses they aren't nobody. they dont even protect, i have seen better security guards from parking attendents at cedar point do better jobs. They dont care what happens to us. You can call the guardshack and nobody responds until they feel like it and if it's raining or inclement weather well forget it they are not getting out of the shack to do anything unless they open the window and yell out of it . There needs to be a change anybody then what we have. So dont blame it on the property manager she is doing her best and i've seen alot more done with her than past managers.
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