Stacy Goodspeed said she received a pre-recorded message from Superintendent Paul Rigda today informing parents of the case and what to do and what to watch for in their children. “The message said that a 3rd grader who just came back from Mexico and has a confirmed case of the Swine Flu. He went on telling us what to watch for and said if she has any symptoms to go to the hospital or to our doctor.”
Goodspeed said that at this point she would just watch her daughter, who is in the first grade at Ely, and take her to see the family doctor tomorrow morning. “Right now she is showing none of the signs or symptoms that we were told to look for, she seems fine but as a precaution we will visit the doctor tomorrow. I also have a two year old to look out for so even without the symptoms I will want to get her checked.”
Goodspeed said that receiving the message today has her petrified. “I never thought in a million years that I would have to worry about this – my stomach flipped when I heard the news. I saw on the news this morning of the confirmed cases around the United States but never in a million years did I think it would hit Elyria – let alone, Ely School.”
TMC NEWS has learned that the child is fine at this point resting at his home. Parents who could not be reached by phone will have Lorain County CERT Team members driving to their homes to tell them in person.
Anyone with questions regarding the illness can call a special phone bank that the Elyria City Health District has set up – 440.324.3177.
Check back later for more details on this BREAKING story.
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