Elyria – A confrontation behind an Elyria bar on Depot Street early Saturday morning lead to arrests and people going to the hospital.
Tiffany Reed and Kimberly King were pulling out of the parking lot of Pudge’s bar on the Depot Street side when they say three black males walked by and commented about not hitting them with the vehicle. Reed told Police that she and King then exited the vehicle to “see what they had to say.”
Reed said that the men then assaulted her for no reason at all and that is when the melee began and Police were called.
As Officers arrived they observed a white male in a green shirt, later identified as Christopher Smith, screaming at another white male, later identified as Roy Byrge, was walking away and another white male who also appeared to be involved. Smith screamed “what you got to say now bitch” then ran after him and punched him in the face, knocking him to the ground next to another male that was already lying on the ground motionless.

Smith was ordered to remain on the ground as Officers attempted to attend to the unconscious male lying on the ground. Smith then tried to get up and was still trying to fight with the Officers at which time he tried to kick Moss – but missed. Smith was then placed in a cruiser.

Officers later identified the man on the ground as Isidro Casarez and found that Byrge had left the scene – it was later discovered that Byrge had an active warrant. As Casarez began coming around he told Officers that he only remembers being knocked out – nothing else.
Police say the other white male was identified as Joseph Elkins. Elkins, Smith’s brother, who was also bleeding from the face and highly intoxicated told Police that he saw that his brother was “in a fight with some black guys” so he went to help him out – but he was also beaten up.
Reed, who was bleeding from the face, told Police that she was Smith’s girlfriend and that the three black guys assaulted her. Reed said that she was from Geauga and wanted the Officers to arrest the males who assaulted her. When Officers asked for a description of the males involved Reed replied; “No, they all look alike just go find them, I want them arrested.”
Reed was advised that the Officers observed no black males in the incident when they arrived on the scene and without further information there was no way to find the other parties. Reed was upset and continued to make further racial comments according to the Police. She was then given a ride to the Police Station to make arrangements to get back to Geauga.
LifeCare Paramedics treated and transported Casarez and Elkins to Elyria Memorial Hospital for their injuries.

Reed was advised that the Officers observed no black males in the incident when they arrived on the scene and without further information there was no way to find the other parties. Reed was upset and continued to make further racial comments according to the Police. She was then given a ride to the Police Station to make arrangements to get back to Geauga.
LifeCare Paramedics treated and transported Casarez and Elkins to Elyria Memorial Hospital for their injuries.
Smith and King were both transported to the Elyria City Jail. Smith was charged with Assault on a Police Officer (F-4), Resisting Arrest (M-1) and Underage Drinking (M-1). King was charged with Resisting Arrest (of another) (M-1).
Scott Miller here again. I just want to say I enjoy your style of news reporting. After 35 years in broadcasting (3 years at WOBL) I have fought against the sterile news stories that you hear and read so very often on TV and in the papers.
Your story, BRAWL BREAKS OUT ON DEPOT is a good example. Had it been written for the paper or TV it would have went something like, "Elyria police responded to an altercation on Broad street in Elyria. Several people were involved and there were two arrests.
Very sterile! You describe the action and make me feel like I'm right there. I realize that the paper or TV (radio doesn't do news anymore) couldn't use some of the verbage, but that's the beauty of the internet.
Keep tellin' it like it is!
Scott Miller
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