Following a disaster, first responders may not be able to totally meet the initial demands for emergency services. Factors such as widespread damage, number of victims, communication failures, and road blockages will hinder people from accessing emergency services they have come to expect at a moment’s notice through 9-1-1. People will have to rely on each other for help in order to meet their immediate life saving and life sustaining needs.
CERT trains neighborhood community members to respond to a disaster effectively and efficiently without placing themselves in danger. During this team-based training, volunteers learn how to provide basic medical aid, put out small fires, search for and rescue safely, organize themselves and other spontaneous volunteers effectively, and collect disaster intelligence to support trained professionals.
The 24 Hour Course Syllabus includes: Team Organization, Disaster Preparedness, Disaster Psychology, Fire Suppression, Disaster Medical Operations I & II, Terrorism, Disaster Simulation and Course Review.
All components must be completed in order to receive a certificate.
Date: October 14, 21, 28, and November 4, 11, 18, 2008.
(A different component will be reviewed each day)
Time: 6-10pm
Location: Lorain County Community College
College, EIC Building, 151 Innovation Drive, Elyria
There is a $25 cost for the class made payable to the Lorain County EMA
For Additional information please contact: Alice Webber 440-329-5117, Lorain County EMA Office
Why not let us civilians train along side police and fire for this first responder stuff?
This way, a sense of comfort and camaraderie could develop between civilians and the police/fire departments.
This could also minimize any confusion when police/fire arrive at a scene where civilians are actively involved with the disaster.
Maybe have a couple of neighborhood group leaders that have prearranged communication plans with police/fire?
Just some thoughts here, thank you for listening.
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