Jaykel said that funeral arrangements are pending but said that whatever the Medders family needs everyone within the Department will be there to support the Chief and the family. “We all live for our families, I cannot imagine the pain and devastation. They are all in our prayers today.”
The young Medders graduated from Avon Lake High School in 2001. A testament to his personality and the mark he left at the school was demonstrated today when staff members, after hearing of his death, left work to go home – too shaken up to finish the day.
Medders wore the number 66 for the Avon Lake Sailors Football team and also played Baseball and Basketball. He was also known as an accomplished singer performing in an advanced choir at Avon Lake HS. In his spare time Medders also gave his time to coach girls Powder Puff Football team.
Along with the sports and singing, Medders was also a member of Student Government and the Fellowship of Christian Athletes.
The school Flag was lowered to half staff today in tribute to one of their own.
Medders, a Captain in the United States Army, was injured this past May – 30 miles north of Baghdad when a roadside bomb exploded. After a period of recovering from a concussion, Medders returned to the battlefield. Medders father is an Army Veteran.
Funeral arrangements are pending.
Anyone who would like to leave words of condolence and support to the Chief and his family in this most difficult time , you can leave them in the comments section. All messages will be forwarded to the Chief at the appropriate time.
Tragic. Very Tragic. The family is going to need every bit of support anyone can offer.
We are greatly saddened by the news of Michael's death in Iraq. The entire Medder's family is in our thoughts and prayers. Terry, Kathy Korzan & Family.
I am so sorry for this tragic loss. I am thankful for all that they are fighting for over there. This family will remain in my thoughts and prayers.
Our hearts and prayer are with you and your family...God Bless your Son.
May God Bless Michael Medders Jr.! Thank you for your service and your sacrifice. The entire Medders family will be in my prayers through this difficult time.
The Medders family is in my prayers.
Sympathies and Prayers for the Medders family. I'm very sorry to hear about your loss.
Rest in peace Michael Medders Jr.
Chief, your son made the ultimate sacrifice for his country, you and your family should be proud of him. He is with God now. Bless you all.
Saddness fills my heart today. I know the chief and I know how much his family means to him. There is no way to imagine the depths of his grief right now. God Bless the Medders family.
Mike is a hero. He was an amazing man and we will always remember him. Thank you, Mike, for your sacrifice. We will never forget you.
May the Lord carry you through this difficult time and give you strength.
He died so that we can remain free. God Bless Michael Medders Jr.
Thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
To the family, you are in our prayers tonight
You and your family is in my throughts and prayers and sorry to hear about your lost of your son God bless Him.
It's a very tragic day for our city. We lost one of our own today. Not only was he an American but he was an Elyrian. I hope the family knows that if they need anything just to let us residents know and we'll be there for them. Thoughts and prayers are with the family.
god bless mike jr my thoughts and prayers are with his family he truly is a hero .protecting our freedom .dale
We lost another HERO! Rest in peace Mike.
God love and bless your family at this difficult time. Our prayers and that of a grateful nation are with you.
God love and bless your family at this difficult time. Our prayers and that of a grateful nation are with you.
There are no words to discribe my feelings, God Bless Michael...
I feel how weak and fruitless must be any word of mine which should attempt to beguile you from the grief of a loss so overwhelming. But I cannot refrain from tendering you the consolation that may be found in the thanks of the Republic he died to save.
I pray that our Heavenly Father may assuage the anguish of your bereavement, and leave you only the cherished memory of the loved and lost, and the solemn pride that must be yours to have laid so costly a sacrifice upon the altar of freedom................a.lincoln
I went to school with Mike, played baseball and football with him. He was a great athlete and a great guy. Will we miss you Mike.
We offer our deepest sympathies in this time of sorrow. May your memories of this wonderful young man be a continous source of joy for you.
Your son died defending our country and we as a community will NEVER forget that. What pain you feel is shared by everyone in Lorain county since we know the sacrafices your family has gone through for all of us that live here.
All our prayers and thoughts are with you and your family. Michael will be remembered with honor for the rest of our lives.
God bless you.
Our Lorain County Community is in mourning. Our thoughts and prayers are with the Medders family.
I will always remember the way Mike conducted himself, on and off the field. We will never forget what you did for us.
Wouldn't it be nice if the the residents of Elyria could come together and give Chief Medders the one thing he has always wanted - 24hrs of piece and quiet in honor of his son.
The Medder's Family is in our prayers.
I am very hurt by this news. I was friends with Mike in college. I hung out with him a lot at one point. He was one of the sweetest guys I have ever met. I never saw Mike in a bad mood. He always made everyone around him feel good. He will be missed very much. I will continue to pray for him and his family.
-Michelle Chalupa
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