His family is unable to keep the cat’s long term so they are looking for a permanent, loving home for the mother cat and her kitten. The family is requesting that the mother and kitten stay together as the kitten has not yet been weaned and is still very attached to her mother.
If anyone is interested in taking the mother and her kitten in, please contact TMC NEWS @ tmcnews1@aol.com – We will forward all interested parties to the family that is currently caring for the cats.
What is a GOLD CARD MEMBER, and what are the bennifits? how do you become one ?
I hope that the cat and her kitten finds a good home and live long healthy lives..
I would volunteer to take them but I am currently housing a male and a female adult cat and her 5 kittens who were rescued from similar situations. :)
Is Gold Card Member like a gold american express card! I want one!! Terry you go a GREAT job - and its nice that you posted this story even though it does not feature death, destruction, mayhem and other things that we love to read about!! (just kidding!) We love you!
Terry, Have the Cat and her little Kitten found a home? My friends cat just passed today so im not sure is she would be interested.
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