Elyria Police received a call Sunday afternoon from a motorist who observed a man in a car assaulting a woman riding with him. Officers responded to the area and as one of the officers spotted the vehicle he saw the male hitting the woman. The officer pulled them over in front of Lone Star Steak House and at gun point had the male get out of the car and placed him under arrest.
TMC NEWS would like to applaud the citizen who observed the assault and took the time to get involve. The Police Dispatcher who relayed all of the information from the caller to help guide the officers right to the car and finally to the Officers who responded so quickly and ended the assault on the woman. Phenomenal job by all! If you recall the story we ran here in August of a man who claims he “accidentally” killed his wife during a domestic dispute in their Lorain home. Who knows what might have happened if this man was not stopped today.
good for you epd! i use to live in elyria and now live in austin texas but try to keep up with the news from back home as much as i can. I was thrilled to read this story because i know very well how dangerous domestic violence can be. I am sure the female who was involved is also thrilled with epd and the person who didn't look the other way when she was being beaten up by the asshole bf or husband. keep up the good work epd.
nice work epd. too bad justice doesn't allow us to do to him what he did to her.
Applause to the bystander who didn't just stand by. Why the woman wouldn't just yank the guys "parking brake" (if you know what i mean, and I bet you do) and hot foot it is beyond me. But it is good to hear when someone can be the hero for a change. Hopefully she will press charges rather than go joy-riding again when he gets sprung.
i agree with jason, i hope that woman pays the bystander back by making sure she presses charges on the guy who beat her.
finally someone reports something good about the police department. they do good work every day and too often when you see stuff in the papers or on tv its accusations about police doing something wrong. keep up the good work epd.
good job elyria police on your quick action you and that person may have saved a life. If not right at that moment maybe that lady will get away from the woman beater who might have done worse to her in the future.
Holy Hell! POSITIVE comments about the police. I agree that the combined efforts of the initial caller, the dispatcher and the officers may have saved that woman. KUDOS
I'm glad someone stood up for that woman. it's nice to know there are caring people in this tattered world who aren't afraid to stop violence. I hope that woman presses charges against that creep. too bad someone can't beat the crap out of him like he did her.make the punishment fit the crime.
i really don't have a comment about this one, i mean yeah it was great that the elyria police did what they did and stuff. I just really wanted to say that the haasenfoose guy cracks me up.
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