Fast forward 17 years – today Ian Oskins turned 20 and just returned home Friday after Graduating as a U.S. Army Airborne Ranger. I suppose to be correct; I should say Private 2nd Class Ian Oskins.

As many of you know I have covered several funerals of fallen local Soldiers over the last couple years. I have posted large photo galleries of those funeral’s here on this site. Galleries and tribute videos that Oskins himself has viewed. Knowing the dangers that lie ahead Oskins does not blink when asked, “are you sure?” – he quickly replies with “Yes, I am sure.” And he says it with unwavering conviction.
I bring this up today because with Memorial Day and the 4th of July now behind us many people may start moving on with their daily routines and put their patriotism, and Flags, in the closet until Veteran’s Day. Please don’t. Please keep Ian and all of the other men and women who put their lives in harms way for our Country in your thoughts and in your prayers.
If you have a friend or family member that is currently serving in the Military, please feel free to post their name in the comment section.
Thank you for your service, Ian.
As a mother of a Seabee, who recently returned from Africa (near Somalia) I can tell you there was no greater sense of pride thank knowing my son was serving his country. (and I, too, served in the Navy, as well as his father and Grandfather).
I know your parents are just as proud. I love the pictures!
Be safe and God Bless!!!
Outstanding Ian. As an Airborne vet I know to some degree what you went through. I wasn't a ranger though.And I was with the 82nd. And a mention goes out to SGT Dan McBennet who is in Iraq as we speak. Also my old friend SSG Nikki George with the 101st Airborne. Haas
Lcpl.Matthew Carpenter USMC
My sis-in-law and her husband are both active military, Connie's at Ft. Bragg, and her husband, Jon, was just sent to Mosul, Irag, for the summer. A cousin, Matt, currently stationed in Afghanistan.
God Bless all of our soldiers, May God watch over them. Thank you to Ian, and to all of them.
My brother and mother are both serving and I am very proud of them both!
To our son E-1 JOSEPH GREEN MP
795th our thoughts and prayers are with you and all of our soldiers, may God keep them safe and watch over them... we love you JOE and we are ever so proud of you!! STAY STRONG LOVE, MOM, DAD, and JOHNNY
That was beautiful....Thank You Ian, and Thank You to Ian's Dad.
The whole family is proud!
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