The neighbor, who asked not to be named or photographed, said that she was sitting in her house when she heard two loud thumps coming from outside. “It was kind of strange so I got up to check things out – you see, yesterday someone tried to break into my neighbor’s house and they asked if I would keep an eye out on their house just in case the people came back.”
On Tuesday she said that workers were putting in a new concrete driveway when they spotted two males in the back yard. At first they didn’t pay any attention to them but when one of them stepped in the new concrete one of the men yelled at them and they both ran from the yard. It was later learned that they had tried to break into the home.
The watchful neighbor said that when she looked out her window she spotted a black bike leaning up against the back of her neighbor’s home. “I thought that was strange because they have small children and the bike would be too big for their kids. Then I noticed that the back screen door was opened up so I called the Police, still not sure anything was wrong but I felt it was the best thing to do.”
While talking with the Police and with Officers already on the way, the neighbor peeked out the window again and saw a black male wearing jean shorts, tennis shoes, a black t-shirt and a grey sweat jacket. The woman also said the man was carrying a small plastic bag.
Within minutes Police heading to the area spotted a man matching the woman’s description on Cleveland Street by Save-A-Lot.
While speaking with the man another Officer picked up the witness and brought her to where they had the man detained. The Police car with the witness inside stopped on Cleveland Street while Officers had the suspect face the car – the witness said she positively identified the man and his bike.
Police found the back door to the residence had been kicked in along with another inside door.
The neighbor said that although she is not part of the neighborhood Block Watch she always keeps an eye out for her neighbors. “I always look out for them; it’s what neighbors should do for each other. I know they keep an eye out for me.”
Very good story!
Good job to the woman who was vigilant. It's nice to know there are people that keep an eye out and are willing to "get involved" and stop these worthless pieces of crap. Haas
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