A parade of Peace Officers strewn through the streets of Cleveland Friday morning – ending at the Greater Cleveland Peace Officers Memorial.
Dedicated on May 14, 1993, The Greater Cleveland Peace Officers Memorial is located at the corner of West 3rd St. and Lakeside Ave in downtown Cleveland in the historic Huntington Park.
Once the site of Fort Huntington, built to defend the city during the War of 1812, it is only fitting that it now serves to honor both those who continue to protect, and those who have died protecting our lives and property.
Constructed of black polished granite the structure comprises almost 1,000 square feet of space. The structure consists of a curved wall that slopes gently from two feet high upward to six feet semi-surrounding three granite tablets. The Memorial wall bears the inscription; “The Greater Cleveland Peace Officers Memorial”
The three tablets inside the curved wall measure seven feet wide, twelve feet high and two feet thick. Each bears the name, law enforcement agency, and date of death of each of the 174 area peace officers who have died in the line of duty.
Sadly one of them has space remaining for those officers who have yet to pay the supreme sacrifice in the never-ending war on crime.
Photos by: BRIAN WOODS
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