While out and about today looking for snow stories and pictures, I overheard something interesting on the police scanner an Officer who had been sent to the ramps to I-90 for cars stuck in the snow. The Officer stated that numerous cars got stuck after they pulled over to attempt to help others that were stuck. He said there are just a lot of “Good People” out here trying to help. Well, I happened to find one of those good people assisting a total stranger on Livermore in Elyria who could not get their car out of the driveway. Bruce Bishop, owner of Bishop Photography, pulled up with his SUV and tow straps and offered his assistance. After a couple tugs the car was freed.
This was Bishop’s fifth time today pulling someone out of the deep snow drifts. Like most Good Samaritans after the car was freed Bishop was on his way with a Thank You and waves from the family, perhaps off to find number 6.
Someone not only helped me, a 911 dispatcher on the way home, get unstuck, but also plowed a path to my door, as my street was undrivable. It restores my faith in humanity when people who could just drive on, help others! THANK YOU for all of you who pay it foward!! xoxoo Donna
good job bruce, you deserve one good solid (BM) for that one.
People in Lorain County were helping each other. I was working that morning of the storm and we had got stuck in the ambulance with a patient onboard and a gentleman from mihalic (unk spelling) had plowed around us so we could get going again.
My car got stuck in the Eastern Heights neighborhood 3 years ago. A kind man hooked his truck up to my car, and heled me out. Who knows how long I would have been stuck out in the cold in the middle of an intersection that day when my phone ironically died.
Bruce Bishop, A Bud Light Real Man of Genius
Today we salute you, Mr-guy-with-a-toe-rope-and-Ford-SUV-Driver (Mr-guy-with-a-toe-rope-and-Ford-SUV-Driver). Anyone can pull someone out of the snow with 4WD and a toe rope, but you somehow manage to make front page news doing it, maybe it’s the kindness of one man, an SUV, and a toe rope that makes Bruce Bishop the hero he is (He‘s not just a photographer). Sure you may have laughed at those sorry non-suv drivers stuck in a snow drift in the past (You probably took pictures of them too) but today you were a hero in your “big old manly SUV” (Built Ford Tough!). So give that young couple you just pulled out of the snow a thumbs up from your drivers side window, a honk of the horn, and maybe a nod of the head as you go on to spread more kindness. Mr-guy-with-a-toe-rope-and-Ford-SUV-Driver, for you clearly didn't have any breaking news stories that day. Because if you had, we wouldn’t have seen this same story on TMCNEWS.
So crack open an ice cold Bud Light Bruce, because you are a real man of genius, and without that, we wouldn't have anybody to make fun of.
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